OMF Canada

seeks to align on consistent outreach experiences.


Restructuring Strategy

OMF Canada had limited resources to improve their site’s user experience and marketing strategies over the years. With the organization’s rebranding, they saw an opportunity to better understand their users and reflect this understanding online

Here are some of my key initial steps:

I developed a user research plan to gather necessary data and establish clear problem statements before diving into solutions. This plan included defining the purpose, method, participants, location, and interview script.


Stakeholder-Driven Design

There was heavy involvement from stakeholders in content creation, with little advocacy for the end-users. To create a seamless experience from marketing engagement to the site itself, OMF Canada needed a deeper understanding of their users. They had questions about their users, including:


Meeting Users Expectations

Creating user personas became crucial for aligning strategies across content and marketing. I led the creation of a script for user interviews, which were conducted over 2-3 weeks. Post-interview, I analyzed the responses, translating qualitative data into quantitative insights. This helped us better measure user preferences, including:

Categorizing Donations

The donation section also needed significant improvements. The options were previously presented in a long, cumbersome drop-down list, making it difficult to use and share. To streamline this, I grouped donation options into three categories to enhance usability and ensure security:


Learnings from Small Infrastructure

Working with a branch of a larger organization like OMF Canada, I encountered challenges due to limited resources and the need for transparency across all stakeholders. Despite this, scope creep was minimal. My key takeaways include:

Despite the challenges of a large-scale project with varying time zones and schedules, the dedication of the OMF Canada team was evident. Their commitment to understanding their users and being responsible stewards of their funds made it easier for me to stay motivated and do great work for both the users and the organization. It reminded me of my time at World Vision Canada, where we often said, "If you want to go far, go together."

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