
used as an exploration of taking smaller segments to entice new investors.


Leveraging Search Queries

As Questrade became one of the first financial companies to launch the FHSA account, they wanted to test a framework that could drastically change how they market existing accounts.

Given the time constraints and limited resources, user interviews were not feasible. To establish a starting point, I analyzed user search analytics that led to our site. Some of the search terms and questions I collected included:

Contextualizing Results

A significant amount of data was uncovered, which I needed to place into the context of our product offerings and the stage users were at. My analysis boiled down to four key steps regardless of the starting position: exposure, learning, understanding, and application.

Questions involved in the user journey

Product Offering Focused

The typical journey on our site prioritized products to relate to users’ needs. This approach often required more effort from users to discern their needs while learning about the products. Given that our site was externally facing and aimed at acquiring new users, it was primarily used for marketing purposes with high traffic for retargeting. Analyzing organic traffic proved challenging, so I mapped out the marketing funnel with an organic approach to see how everything could fit together.

User journey for the new account in the same structure as a marketing funnel

A/B Testing the Flow

I recommended conducting a paid A/B test, as the new flow required entirely new pages that didn't align with the current information architecture (IA). The test compared this new flow with a long-form learning article that led to account opening.

Users would land on different pages dedicated to the stage they likely belonged to based on their search term. I split them into three steps:

The "account type" page provided foundational knowledge, the "benefits" page introduced product offerings, and the "ways to invest" page detailed how each product could be customized based on user preferences and experience.


A Rushed Framework

There was a lot of momentum with this project, allowing us to test and explore potential solutions. However, time constraints limited our ability to fully understand our users. Here are some recommendations that would have allowed for quicker feedback without relying heavily on development resources, even if it meant sacrificing the results of using live data:

In the end, the framework was tested, and the initial results showed improved user progression toward account opening. However, since this approach only captured a small portion of traffic and was a significant departure from the existing IA, further testing on other accounts is necessary. This project provided valuable insights into the importance of planning ahead to meet both user and business needs for long-term growth.

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